The Constitution and Bylaws of

St. Paul Lutheran Church

Skokie Illinois

The Constitution and Bylaws of

The St. Paul Lutheran Church

Skokie, Illinois

Revised, 1963

Amended 11/64, 4/69, 12/72, 9/78, 10/95, 4/01, and 12/03.


The Word of God requires that a Christian congregation shall conform to this divine Word in doctrine and practice (Ps. 119:105; Matt. 28:18-20; Gal. 1:6-8; 2 Tim. 4:1-5) and that all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). Therefore, we, the members of The St. Paul Lutheran Church, accept and subscribe to the following constitution and bylaws, in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our congregation shall be governed.



The name of this congregation shall be “The St. Paul Lutheran Church,” located in Skokie, Illinois.


The purpose of this congregation shall be to serve its members and to spread the kingdom of God by the preaching of the Word of God, by the administration of the Sacraments, and by the religious instruction of the youth and adults, according to the confessional standard of the Lutheran Church (Article Ill), and to foster Christian fellowship and charity.


This congregation acknowledges and accepts all canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and acknowledges and accepts all the confessional writings of the Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord of the year 1580, to be the true and genuine expositions of the doctrines of the Bible. These confessional writings are the three Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian), the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, Luther’s Large and Small Catechisms, and the Formula of Concord.


The Membership of this congregation includes the following:

  1. Baptized membership:

Consists of all members who have been baptized, including the children on the membership rolls who have not yet confirmed their baptism vows.

  1. Communicant membership:

Those who:

  1. are baptized in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
  2. accept all canonical book of the Old and New Testaments as the only divine rule and standard of faith and life;
  3. are familiar at least with Luther’s Small Catechism and declare their acceptance of it;
  4. attend divine service faithfully;
  5. lead Christian lives and do not live in manifest works of the flesh (Gal. 5: 19-21);
  6. partake of the Lord’s Supper frequently after their confirmation;
  7. contribute regularly and faithfully, as God has prospered them, toward the building of

Christ’s kingdom in the congregation and throughout the world;

  1. devote their time and talents to the extension of the kingdom of God;
  2. permit themselves to be fraternally admonished and corrected when they have erred;
  3. are not members, affiliates, or supporters of secret societies or other organizations conflicting with the Word of God.
  4. Voting membership:

All confirmed members who have reached their eighteenth birthday, have been accepted by the Congregational Assembly, and have read and signed the constitution and bylaws of the congregation shall be entitled to vote.


The pastoral office of this congregation, as well as those of Director of Christian Education and Called Parochial School Teacher, shall be conferred only upon such Ministers of Religion, ordained or commissioned, as profess and adhere to the confessional standard set forth in Article Ill of this constitution and are well qualified for their work. Ministers shall be pledged to this confessional standard in the call extended to and accepted by them.


  1. General:

The congregation as a body, through the voting members, shall have supreme power to administer and manage all its external and internal affairs. The establishment and conduct of all institutions and societies within the congregation, such as the Christian day school, Sunday school, youth societies, ladies’ organizations, choir, etc., shall at all times be subject to the approval and supervision of the congregation. The congregation, however, shall not be empowered to decide anything contrary to the Word of God and the confessions of the Lutheran Church (Article Ill), and any such decision shall be null and void.

  1. Right of calling:

The right of calling pastors, teachers, and Directors of Christian Education shall be vested in the Congregational Assembly and shall never be delegated to any other body or individual.

  1. Decisions:

All decisions of the Congregational Assembly shall be made by majority vote, unless otherwise stipulated in this constitution and its bylaws. Decisions regarding matters of doctrine and conscience must be in agreement with the Word of God.

  1. Powers of officers:

Officers, board members and committee members of this congregation, whether elected or appointed, shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them according to this constitution or delegated to them by the Congregational Assembly. Whatever power is delegated to them may at any time be altered or revoked by the voters.

  1. Removal from office

Any pastor, called teacher, Director of Christian Education, or officer may be removed from office in the congregation, by ballot, in Christian and lawful order, for one of the following causes: persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, inability to perform his duties or willful neglect of his duties. Such action shall be taken only after the congregation has secured the advice and counsel of the Circuit Counselor and/or District President :and shall alwavs be consistent with the law of Christian love and in accordance with the steps of church discipline outlined in Matt. 18:15-20.


The officers of this congregation shall be such officers, boards or committees, as the bylaws of the congregation may prescribe.


If at any time a separation should take place on account of doctrine, the property of the congregation and all benefits therewith connected shall remain with those voting members who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Article Ill of this constitution. In the event the congregation should be totally disbanded, the property and all rights connected therewith shall be transferred to the Northern Illinois District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.


Only such hymns, prayers and liturgies shall be used in the public services of the congregation and in all ministerial acts as conform to the confessional Standard of Article Ill. Likewise, in all classes of Christian instruction only such books and educational materials shall be used as conform to this standard.


  1. This congregation shall hold membership in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It shall send its pastors, lay delegate and alternate lay delegate, to the district convention of Synod, and make provision for any other called worker who wishes to attend the convention.
  2. It shall be the duty of the congregation and its individual members to support the work of Synod, recognizing that it is through Synod that the world-wide mission of the Church is carried out.


This congregation may adopt such bylaws as may be required for the accomplishment of its purposes.


  1. Unalterable Articles: The following articles of this constitution or sections thereof shall be unalterable and ilTepealable: Ill, V and IX.
  2. Amendments:

Amendments to the constitution and bylaws may be adopted at a regular Congregational Assembly, provided:

  1. that they do not conflict with the provisions laid down in Article Ill or with any section of any other article that pertains to Scriptural Doctrine and practice; and
  2. that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous congregational Assembly, and mailed to all voting members;
  3. that affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority ofthe voting membership present at the Congregational Assembly shall be required for adoption of an amendment.



  1. Admission into membership:
    1. Communicant membership:
      1. By confirmation:

Those who have received instruction in the basic truths of the Christian faith and have renewed the baptismal covenant in the rite of confirmation shall be considered able to examine themselves in accordance with 1 Cor 11:26-28 and shall be admitted to communicant membership.

  1. By transfer:

Persons coming with a communicant letter of transfer from a Congregation in church fellowship, provided they conform in all respects to the requirements of membership of this congregation, shall be received into communicant membership by the declaration of the pastor.

  1. By profession of faith:

Other persons shall submit their application to the pastor, and having given satisfactory evidence of qualification for communicant membership to the pastor, they shall be received as communicant members.

  1. Voting membership:
    1. Reception:

An applicant for voting membership shall give notice of intent to the pastor or one of the elders and shall read a copy of the constitution and bylaws of the congregation, which the church office shall furnish. At a subsequent constitutionally convened meeting of the Congregational Assembly and in the presence of the applicant the pastor shall present such application. Upon unanimous vote of the voting members present, the applicant shall sign the constitution and bylaws ofthe congregation and be declared a voting member.

  1. Duties:

It shall be the duty of every voting member to attend the Congregational

Assemblies. By failing to attend such meeting a member waives the right to cast a vote during that meeting. A member shall accept nomination for office, committee appointments, etc., if possible, and generally participate in the business activities of the Congregational Assembly.

  1. Honorary voting membership:

 A voting member who has been a voting member of St. Paul for the immediate past two years may apply for honorary voting membership upon reaching the age of 65 years and such member shall have all rights and privileges of full voting membership but shall be released from the specifications described in the above Article I, A, 2, b of the bylaws requiring the acceptance of nominations for office, etc.

  1. Termination of membership:
    1. Communicant membership:
      1. Transfer to another congregation:

Communicant members desiring to join a congregation in church fellowship shall present their request for transfer to the pastor, to whom authorization is granted to issue such transfers.

  1. Joining other churches:

In cases where communicant members have joined another congregation outside our own fellowship, they shall, upon recommendation of the pastor be considered such as have terminated their membership, and their names shall be removed from the membership list.

  1. Whereabouts unknown:

The names of members whose whereabouts are unknown and cannot be established shall be removed by the Congregational Assembly and forthwith such membership is terminated.

  1. Excommunication and self-exclusion:

Members who conduct themselves in an unchristian manner shall be admonished according to Matt. 18:15-20. If a member refuses to amend his or her sinful life after proper admonition, the member shall be excommunicated. If the member refuses to attend the Congregational Assembly meeting to discuss the case, he or she shall thereby exclude himself or herself. A unanimous vote shall be required for every resolution by the Congregational Assembly for excommunication or self-exclusion. Excommunication or self- exclusion terminates membership.


A person whose communicant membership has been terminated has forfeited all rights of a member of this congregation and all claims upon the property of the congregation as such, or any part thereof, so long as the member is not reinstated into membership.

  1. Voting membership:

Voting members, except honorary voting members, who are absent from the meetings of the Congregational Assembly for a full year without offering valid excuse shall upon due notice have their names removed from the roster of voting members; however, a member may be reinstated by the Congregational Assembly upon reapplication for membership.


  1. Regular meetings of the Congregational Assembly shall be held at least four times per year.
  2. The annual meeting of the Congregational Assembly shall be held at the January meeting.
  3. Special meetings of the Congregational Assembly may be called at any time by the pastor(s), Church Council, Board of Elders or ten congregational members.
  4. Every Congregational Assembly meeting shall be announced by mail and by oral or written announcement at a Sunday service prior to it. Whenever a meeting has been so announced it shall be considered properly convened and a legal meeting capable of transacting business. A quorum shall consist of those members present.

However, for amending the Article of Incorporation, the Constitution and/or bylaws, the erection of a building, the purchase or sale of property or the removal of a called Minister of Religion or some other member from office, a two-thirds majority of those present shall be required for adoption of a resolution, unless otherwise provided by state law. Any such action or resolution must be consistent with procedures and stipulations as prescribed within Article XII of the Constitution.


  1. Nominations:

At a meeting of the Congregational Assembly properly convened, a list of candidates for the office of pastor, teacher, or Director of Christian Education shall be submitted by the calling committee. The list of candidates shall be established in consultation with the district president or his representative. Any voter is entitled to make additional nominations from the floor. B. Elections:

The election of a pastor, teacher, or Director of Christian Education from the list of candidates chosen by the congregation shall be by ballot. The candidate receiving a two-thirds majority of all votes cast shall be considered elected. The election shall, if possible, be made unanimous by a rising vote, and the call shall be sent to the elected person.


All members of the Congregational Assembly, minimum age 18, shall be eligible to elected office except that only male members shall be eligible for the Board of Elders. B. Nominations:

The nomination committee shall present a slate of candidates, minimum age 1 8, at the November meeting of the Congregational Assembly. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. The annual election shall be by ballot and shall take place at the December meeting. The officers-elect shall assume their respective duties on January first of the following year. They shall be installed to their office during a divine service the first Sunday following January first of said year. In the event of any vacancy in any office, the Council shall appoint a successor, minimum age 18, to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. All officers, except treasurer and financial secretary, shall be permitted to hold the same office for two consecutive terms only. Officers shall be elected for the terms specified in these bylaws and shall hold office until their successors have been elected and installed. No individual may hold more than one elected office at any given time.


The elected officers of this congregation shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a financial secretary, a board of elders, a board of trustees, a board for Christian education, a youth board, a stewardship chair, a nomination chair, and an evangelism chair.


  1. The Church Council shall consist of the president, the vice-president, the chairs of the boards of elders, trustees, Christian education, youth, the stewardship chair, the evangelism chair, the nomination chair, the secretary, the treasurer, the financial secretary and others that the congregation shall designate. The pastor(s), day school principal, and Director of Christian Education shall be ex-officio members of the Council.
  2. It shall be the duty of the Church Council to meet monthly or upon the call of the pastor(s) and/or the president of the congregation, whenever necessary, to consider and discuss matters pertaining to the general welfare of the congregation as presented by the various boards and to present recommendations to the congregation. The Church Council shall act in matters committed to it by the Congregational Assembly and, in cases of emergency, to act in behalf of the congregation between congregational meetings. The Church Council shall annually appoint an auditing committee and an assistant church treasurer. As needed, the Church Council shall appoint a calling committee.

ARTICLE Vll: TERMS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS President and Vice-president:

The term of office of the president and the vice-president shall be one year. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Congregational Assembly. In his absence the vice-president shall perform the duties of the office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president shall succeed to the office of president for the remainder of the term. The vice president shall be the chairman of the Church Council.

The vice-president has the responsibility of collecting and preparing constitutional amendments, with the aim of presenting the amendments annually at the first Assembly meeting in the calendar year.


The term of office of the secretary shall be one year. The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the Congregational Assembly and of the Church Council for the permanent records of the congregation and shall perform other duties in keeping with the office.


The term of office of the treasurer shall be one year. The treasurer shall keep accurate record of the receipts and disbursements of the congregation which shall be and remain the property of the congregation. All of these books shall be audited annually, and a written report of such audit shall be submitted to the congregation. The treasurer shall submit a quarterly report for the Congregational Assembly meeting. Such report shall show actual receipts and disbursements compared with budgeted amounts.

Financial Secretary:

  1. The term of office of the financial secretary shall be one year. The financial secretary shall receive, record in books kept for such purpose and deposit in the congregation’s designated depository all congregational moneys, including offerings, contributions, special collections, loans, subsidies, bequests, etc. A report of all the receipts shall be submitted to the treasurer at the end of each financial meeting. The financial secretary shall prepare a quarterly report for the meeting of the Congregational Assembly.
  2. The financial secretary may appoint as many assistants as necessary with the approval of the Congregational Assembly. With the financial secretary they shall constitute the Finance Committee. All offerings shall be counted in the presence of at least two members of this committee. The books and records of the financial secretary shall be and remain the property of the congregation and be audited annually.

Board of Elders:

  1. The Board of Elders shall consist of a minimum of six members. Their term of office shall be three years. One-third of the board shall be elected each year. They shall organize annually and elect a chairman who shall represent them on the Council. The board shall hold regular monthly meetings.
  2. They shall:
    1. assist the pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation.
    2. consider complaints and grievances by members of the congregation according to Matt. 18:15-16. They shall report to the congregation those which cannot otherwise be adjusted, in accordance with Matt. 1 8: 17-18.
    3. make every effort to induce members who have been negligent in their attendance of services, in the use of the sacraments, and the financial support of the church, to mend their sinful ways and fully enjoy the rights and privileges of their membership.
    4. see to it that all services are conducted in such a manner as to avoid needless disturbance and to foster an attitude conducive to worship among those in attendance.

assist the pastor in arranging for pulpit assistance, special services and guest speakers.

  1. appoint and supervise ushers and the head usher.
  2. be an example of Christian conduct and conversation.

Board of Trustees:

  1. This board shall consist of a minimum of three members whose terms of office shall be three years. One trustee shall be elected each year. They shall organize themselves annually and elect a chair who shall represent them on the Church Council. The board shall hold regular monthly meetings.
  2. It shall be the duty of the trustees to:
    1. administer all property belonging to the congregation.
    2. make contracts.
    3. accept and receive grants and bequests.
    4. sign documents.
    5. appear in court.
    6. transact all the business of the congregation assigned to them by the Congregational Assembly.

Board for Christian Education:

  1. This board shall consist of a minimum of six members, who shall be elected annually for a term of three years. One-third of the board shall be elected each year. The pastor(s), principal, and Director of Christian Education shall be ex-officio members of the board, and the Chair of the Parent-Teacher League shall be an advisory member of the board.
  2. The board shall organize annually and elect a chair who shall represent the board on the Church Council. The board shall hold regular monthly meetings.
  3. Scope and nature:
    1. foster spiritual growth in the life of individual Christians.
    2. strengthen the Christian home and help equip parents, children and young people for Christian family living.
    3. provide learning opportunities for all age levels: preschool, school age, youth and adult.
    4. encourage the congregation to set up agencies and organizations to help the parish best perform its educational task for each specific age level: namely, the Sunday school from Nursery to Adult Bible Class, Christian Day School, Midweek School, Vacation Bible School, and Adult Education.

         provide leadership education for teachers, officers and workers.

Policy making and program planning. The board shall:

  1. set up adequate objectives for every age level, agency and organization, embracing training in Christian skills, such as Bible use, witnessing, prayer, giving and family living.
  2. select curricula so that objectives for each agency and age level can be achieved. The curricula shall be Christian, comprehensive, balanced and functional. The board shall select proper teaching texts and other educational materials subject to the approval of the Congregational Assembly.
  3. give attention to enrollment, attendance of pupils, and expansion program.
  4. recommend to the congregation adequate teaching and administrative personnel for all age levels and agencies.

develop a teacher training and leadership education program adequate for the needs of the congregation, present and future.

  1. bring to the attention of the Congregational Assembly the needs of facilities and equipment for all educational agencies.
  2. see that all phases of Christian education are properly financed.

review and appraise all education and plan for improvement on the basis of such regular appraisals.

To carry out its work, the board shall:

  1. subdivide assigned responsibilities to one or more members of the board; by age levels (committees on children’s work, youth work and adult work), or by agencies or organizations (Sunday School committee, nursery to Bible class).directors, for example, the Sunday School Superintendent.
  2. All appointed positions shall be subject to the annual approval of the Congregational Assembly.
  3. maintain cooperative relations with the individual agencies and educational organizations, the Congregational Assembly, the congregation’s planning council, the whole council, the whole congregation and community.

Stewardship Chair:

  1. The term of office shall be one year. The chair shall organize and appoint a committee of at least three members of the Congregational Assembly.
  2. It shall be the duty of this committee to:
    1. discover the talents of the membership and enlist them in the congregational program.
    2. assist in training lay workers.
    3. sponsor stewardship and mission talks, discussions, conferences, plays, movies, pageants, etc. in the congregation and its organizations.
    4. work in close cooperation with the Board of Elders and with the circuit and district stewardship committees and encourage larger attendance at circuit meetings.
    5. fully inform the members of their local congregation’s program and opportunities to lengthen the outreach into all the world through district and synod.
    6. give the congregation a clear vision of the world’s need for Christ and how they can supply that need.
    7. instruct the people in the grace of proportionate giving to God’s work in their own parish and in the world;
    8. aid in planning successful Mission Sundays and programs for young and old.

Evangelism Chair:

  1. The term of office shall be one year. The chair shall organize and appoint a committee. At least two members shall be members of the Congregational Assembly. Such other members of the congregation as the Evangelism Chair deems essential to the operation of the committee may be appointed.
  2. It shall be the duty of this committee to:
    1. conduct an “outreach” program to all new people in the :area, and to others without church homes.
    2. encourage all members of the congregation to assist in the evangelism program.
    3. encourage action to meet needs peculiar to the community.

Publicity Coordinator:

The Church Council with the approval of the Congregational Assembly shall annually appoint a publicity coordinator to work in conjunction with the pastor and the principal. This coordinator may appoint an assistant or assistants to help with this work within the entire congregation. It shall be the duty of the publicity coordinator to arrange for adequate coverage of all activities within the church in the local newspapers. The coordinator shall work closely with said newspapers, or other periodicals, to see that publicity is given to all church and organization activities. The coordinator should assist our congregation in being an effective Christian witness to the community.

Youth Board:

  1. Definition:

A separate Board established for a Youth Ministry responsible directly to the Congregation.

  1. Structure:

This board shall consist of a minimum of three members, who shall be elected annually for a term of three years. One-third of the board shall be elected each year. The pastor(s), DCE, Board of Elders and Board for Christian Education representative, and any other persons the board feels are necessary shall serve as advisory members (these advisory members may voice their opinions and give their suggestion, but have no vote in board action). The board shall organize annually and elect a chair (who shall represent the board at Church Council), a secretary and a treasurer. The board shall hold regular monthly meetings. This board shall be responsible for young adults, at least those from junior high school, senior high school, and college-age.

  1. Objectives:
    1. To equip youth to be servants to their congregation, their home, their school, their community as the fulfillment of their true vocation as baptized members of His Kingdom.
    2. To become acquainted with the problems of youth.
    3. To be interested in the contributions of the young people to the congregational life.
    4. To encourage the congregation to offer financial assistance to the Youth Ministry.
    5. To do all it can to provide trained leadership for its Youth Ministry.
    6. To continually evaluate and re-evaluate the current as well as other types of Youth Ministry that may help meet the needs of this age group. To keep the congregation youth conscious.
    7. To report regularly to the Congregational Assembly.

Planning Council:

The chairs of all boards and committees, the pastor(s), the principal, the Director of Christian Education, the president of the congregation and the presidents of all auxiliary organizations in the congregation shall constitute the planning council.

This council shall meet annually at the call of the president or pastor to plan spiritual emphasis of the parish program for the year, to draw up the church calendar and to provide meeting nights for the various groups within the congregation. Ordinarily, the Planning Council shall meet in the early summer and plan the program for the year beginning in September and closing in August. M. Special Ministries and Offices:

The Church Council, with approval of the Congregational Assembly, shall appoint individuals and/or committees to Special Ministries and Offices as the needs of the Congregation may from time to time dictate. It shall determine, with Congregational Assembly approval, terms of office, mode of appointment, definition of duties, and other matters which may be pertinent to the Ministry or Office in question.

Nomination Chair:

  1. The term of office shall be one year. The chair shall organize and appoint the nomination committee for identifying, developing, and recruiting members to serve as officers and on boards and committees. The President is denied ex officio membership of this committee.
  2. It shall be the duty of this committee to:
    1. keep records of the terms of office for officers and board and committee members,
    2. encourage members of the congregation to discover, develop, and use their leadership skills and spiritual gifts,
    3. prepare a slate of eligible candidates for the election of officers,
  3. The committee is not required to nominate more than one candidate for any open position, although the committee may do so when eligible and interested candidates are available.
  4. Members of the nomination committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office themselves.
  5. Members of the nomination committee may propose other nominees for any office when nominations from the floor are permitted.


The following shall be the order of business for regular Congregational Assemblies:

  1. Devotion
  2. Roll call
  3. Reading of minutes
  4. Admission and release of voting members
  5. Reports of officers, boards and committees
  6. Reading of communications
  7. Unfinished business
  8. New business
  9. Elections
  10. Adjournment
  11. Prayer