“The congregation was formally organized as St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in February 1881. Henry Rohr, one of the charter members, donated a half-acre of land along what is now Niles Center Road just south of Galitz Avenue. A narrow frame building was constructed at that spot the same year, which remained in parish use until it was demolished in 1954.
Long before the 1950s, however, the St. Paul’s congregation grew too large for its original sanctuary. In 1910, the old building was moved intact to the center of the grounds to serve as a school, and a new church was built on the exact site of the old, at a cost of about $22,000.
For many years, extending well into the second half of the twentieth century, St. Paul’s offered both German and English language services, although the number of German services gradually decreased.
One of the unique facets of St. Paul’s, Skokie’s third oldest church, has been the longevity of its pastors. The church’s first minister, the Reverend Frederick Detzer, served for half a century, from 1881 to 1931. He was succeeded by the Reverend Otto F. Arndt, who served as pastor of St. Paul’s for the next three decades, until 1962. It was under Reverend Arndt’s direction that construction of the new grade school building at St. Paul’s was completed and opened in 1955.” –Excerpt from Skokie: 1888 – 1998, A Centennial History.
Many students came through St. Paul Academy through its years of operation. Many of our current church members attended the school and/or sent their children there. Some of the former staff have remained members as well.
The school building closed in 2011 yet is still a vital part of our ministry. Rededicated in 2023 as the St. Paul Community Center, it houses the church offices, meeting rooms, and the Niles Township Respite Center and Clothing Closet. The gymnasium is used throughout the week for many athletic organizations.