Giving to St. Paul
Lutheran Church
What ministries does your giving support?
CLICK HERE to see a quick video and learn how we use our gifts to further our mission:
Knowing our Savior
Connecting with One Another in Relationships
Serving God and Neighbors in Love

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Giving is between you and your Lord. What does this mean for you? Ask and He will answer–He always does!
St. Paul Lutheran Church uses Simply Giving, an automated giving program from Thrivent Financial. You can set up regular, incremental giving or make a one-time donation. If you would like to set up online giving, please use the Donate Online button below to take you to our donation site. If this is your first time using this online service, you will need to first set up your profile (located in the bottom right corner on the donation site.) Then select the giving option that works best for you.
If you prefer, you can set up online giving by completing a printed form and submitting it to the church office. Download a paper copy of the form using the Download button. If you are not able to print, preprinted copies are available in the church, in the church office, or can be mailed to you by contacting the church office (847-673-5030). Thank you for your generosity.